محو الأمية التربوية - حقوق زوجية

منذ 2005-05-18

محمد إسماعيل المقدم

من مشاهير الدعاة بالإسكندرية (مصر) وحاصل على ليسانس الشريعة الإسلامية من جامعة الأزهر

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الدرس السابق
من هنا نبدأ
الدرس التالي
  • Sara

    [[أعجبني:]] Unfortunately, I thought that this talk is a very traditional view of marriage life. What amazes me is that the blame is always on women if you are referring to how bad a marriage is. Moreover, people always talk about how a woman should beatify her self for her husband and the opposite is never talked about or talked about very rarely. One point I got very upset to hear was the point when he said that women wear jewellery and makeup because they are "not complete". As a woman and as a human being, I can not accept that because it degrades the Muslim Woman. Women are as complete as men.

هل تود تلقي التنبيهات من موقع طريق الاسلام؟

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